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Time for a new post!

It's about time I posted again. But about what? hmm. Alright incase you havnt noticed, I alwayse put someting at the end of every comment on ace's and shadow's blog. something like -(random word) and its different every time. It's the same word I have to type in before I can post my comment. Where they give you a random word you have to copy to make sure your really commenting and not an automatic computer or something. just thought I'd tell you if you didnt already figure it out. By the way to get me to stop edit your blog so you dont have to do that when you comment. It gets annoying.


Cruz said...

lol... I like the random words, me and my friends make up random definitions for the made up words... it's funny

Sonic said...

ha ha really!? like what?

Avalon said...


Sonic said...

go to shadow's blog and look at my comments

Cruz said...


okay Sonic I went thru some of the rest of the flock's posts and got some of your words and made up definitions so you could see how it works...

parga: (par-guh)noun. an item of clothing used to cover kneecaps

exuvidsm: (eks-vie-dusm) verb. the act of extracting a voodoo enchantment

isessbr: (eyes-ez-bur)noun. a poison made of the portugese plant ises usually used in sweet baked goods (best give me any sweets you have... just to be safe!)

anere: (a-nur-ie) verb. the abilty to go over 100 mph (motorcycle, car, wings depending on ability) and NOT mess up your hair (a rare gift indeed)

gating: (gay-ting) verb. people who try to jump fences because they forgot to use the gate

acescant: (as-es-cant) an action of which anyone named Ace cannot perform or the inablity to do (you get it Aces Can't) lol sorry Ace but was a REAL word he got and it was WAY TOO EASY! lol (^o^)

I just picked the easy ones, but yeah that what we do...

Sonic said...

ha ha thats good

Cruz said...

thanks, it's fun lol...