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alright Ive been tagged. But I dont really know who else to tag so It wont spread from me. It seems like everyone else has already been tagged. I cant think of anything else You dont already know about me. No one sold my cell # to any KFC person. although if I'm low on cash I might try it. Do I have to post the rules too?

1.Each blogger must post these rules first.

2.Each blogger starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.

3.Blogger s that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their 8 things.

4.At the end of your blog,you need to choose 8 people to get tagged and list their names.

5.Don't forget to leave them a comment,telling them that they've been tagged and to read your blog

There copied from cruz's blog.

facts. hmmm cant copy those

Alright I give up I dont know what to say about me. waste of a post. well what ever Ill post it anyway.


New background

I feel like it's time to make a new background. The Deathnote one was only supposed to be temporary but I dont know what to change it to. does any one have any suggestions? Also, here's my mangatar that I made at faceyourmanga.com.


Time for a new post!

It's about time I posted again. But about what? hmm. Alright incase you havnt noticed, I alwayse put someting at the end of every comment on ace's and shadow's blog. something like -(random word) and its different every time. It's the same word I have to type in before I can post my comment. Where they give you a random word you have to copy to make sure your really commenting and not an automatic computer or something. just thought I'd tell you if you didnt already figure it out. By the way to get me to stop edit your blog so you dont have to do that when you comment. It gets annoying.


stick figures on crack

you may have seen this but its just so funny you should see it again


Because Shadow told me to

ok here's some vids. hmm what to put. oo very important. watch this.