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Picture drawn by Shadow

yeah, check me out! I'm trying to do this from my phone...


New picture

I got tired of feeling like a dork when posting with that picture of my Runescape character. So I changed my picture to something else I found real quick. How's it look?


50th Post!

Finally... not a post about anything just reminiscing, or however it's spelled (spellt?). I know there's something I should blog about, what is it? ah ha! This is like my new favorite song and an awesome video!


Dot Dot Dot

Just another post because it's been so long since I posted and because I've been thinking about the blog lately. Twas awesome and fun. Not much has changed, quite boring really. I might leave the flock for a while for an adventure. Maybe. Just a passing thought. I need to blog more, just to blog huh? Actually, I need followers who will care about me blogging or not. We have pretty much left the blogs alone though and I just wanted to tell everyone. Never forget what happened here. We are The Flock!


One more time for old times sake.

The titel is from some song but I cant remember what... Probably some country song. Obviously, it's been a while. My last post is dated in good ol' 09. This isn't really meant to be a "goodbye" post, I'll still be around. I'll check the blog at least one more time this year :P. Man though, it's been fun looking back...