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What we've been up to lately....

Hey there all you non-mutated folks from the human world. This is Sonic back from a very long hiatus. Don't worry you didn't miss much. We've been living quite nicely out in the mountains of Colorado these past few years (Max and the gang really know how to pick 'em). We've been largely left alone by Itex and other evil, child abusive corporations. Guess we're just not important compared to the other world-saving flock of bird kids.

To say we've been sitting on our butts these past few years wouldn't be totally true (wouldn't be totally false either...). Many of us have been training our abilities, supernatural and otherwise. I, myself have developed my noise-making powers quite progressively. I am now able to shatter, disintegrate, and otherwise destroy certain objects by resonating myself against them. Like a walking sonic screwdriver.

We've all become better fighters, most of us spend time sparring daily after all. And even a few of us have been taking classes. Like at a real college. Not me though, school is for squares.

We try mostly to live of the land, although occasionally when we need something we'll just go steal it from our local Wal-Mart.

Not much else has happened. Of course we all flew downtown last summer to see our favorite band, Linkin Park :D. Occasionally we get caught in the occasional street fight, fun stuff. Hope all the rest of you out there reading this are doing well and not giving in to evil, world destroying corporations.

Sonic out.