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because i havent posted i a while

well yeah i havent posted anything in a long time. anyway please dont comment on this post.




here's a vid of the ripstik in action.I couldnt fid a good video so I just used the guide it comes with. not as cool but everything else didnt have much of the actual ripsiking rather than tricks you can see on any old skate board


The end of bionicle

Just wanted to say that the last episode in the latest chapter of Bionicle (yeah Bionicle rulz!) ended just now. Next they were supposed to go to a different universe and I thought that meant the original story line was ending all together. It turns out they had to go there to get something and will probably return so it turned out a lot better than I tought. This isnt the first time they've done this. given me the impression that it was ending or atleast gone to the dogs when it turned out a lot better than I thought it would. Its starting to get annoying and its not good just better than i thought it would be. But yeah they awoke Mata Nui but it turned out to be makuta in diguise so the story isnt over.

obama or mccain?

Todays the day. yup the big day. its huge. gigantic! who will win? McCain? or the Obamanator? who would you vote for? just curious. I dont think it matters who wins. McCain's old and if he got alziehmers disease that would be interesting. Obama isn't an old white-haired guy and that's a huge bonus. But if Obama wins wont we be an Obama-nation. that could be bad. Even worse! they cancelled NCIS for the election! thats like the 3rd time.