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Scout Show

Yesterday I went to the scout show. Ask me and Ill say its the biggest scouting event besides the Pinewood Derby. Ask anyone else and they might say its the biggest scouting event besides the state-wide camporee they hold every 4 years. so its a big convention and every troop/pack sets up a station with anything from video games to mini golf. my troop did a table and a tower out of logs and lashings. it was fun.


The Most Seconds

I found a really funny, pointless website called themostseconds.com . The whole point of the website is to count the total seconds people have been on there. It's already up to over 4 years in seconds and its only been around for about 2 months. It also has other thing like a button and it counts the clicks and an email adress that counts the emails it gets so you can sign it up for spam newsletters or just send it stuff. Its all about wasting time and its really fun!



its easter! Of coarse everyone knows that Jesus rose from the dead today but heres a little sonic philosophy for ya. Jesus died on good friday and came back easter sundy 3 days later. 3 days later. Did you know that he died at age 33? age 33. he also died with 2 other people next to him. a total of 3 people died that day. Thats a lot of threes right there and there are more. ever heard of the holy trinity? There are 3 major religions that worship that same god. maybe that ones cutting it a little close but still I wonder if it means anything.
On other news I've been reading some of our old blog posts lately. Its very interesting. We need to get stat to blog some more.



Yeah! Michigan State Spartans. root for them on Monday.
There are Heros. There are Superheros. And then there's... Hancock.
and I saw it yesterday it was awsome.