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Cruz said...

I'll watch the video later PROMISE, I HAVE TO TELL YOU THIS:

yesterday I was talking to my lil bro (12 yrs old)
me: 'you heard of manga?'
bro: 'duh'
me: 'really?'
bro: *rolls eyes*
me: 'hello'
bro: 'what?'
me: 'have you read any?'
bro: *gets up and goes to his room*
he comes back like 3 minutes later and hands me a couple of books, the first i don't remember the title and the second, DEATHNOTE! I was laughing so hard I think i scared him, he didn't understand. We were talking about it on your blog like 2 months ago and I had it my house the whole time. I feel soooo stupid, and kind alike crappy sister for not knowing my bro reads manga, he has a few series, only 7 of the Deathnote and they're not in order, but he had volume 1 so I just started reading it. How retarded am I, I didn't even know I had manga in my house! lol anyway thought you would find that amusing, 2 months later from conversation, but still.

*^.^* Cruz

Talon said...

funny vid, reminds me of ace

Sonic said...

ha ha did you like it? what was the other series? deathnote is a popular one but i bet you could get it at the library or something.

Cruz said...

err.. some had japanese names, i don't remember exactly, there was that dna angel one, but he only had 4 of those, and fruitbasket or something like that and sports ones, i think... it's good so far, nothing major's happened yet... yeah my friend told me to goto onemanga.com to read some.

*^.^* Cruz

Sonic said...

onemanga.com? i havent heard of that il try it

Cruz said...

I finished vol 1 and I loved it, I was disappointed when I finished it cuz I wanted to keep reading (my bro has 6 next and I wanted to stay in order) so I tried onemanga.com and I was on it for 2 hours last night and I didn't even notice! lol it's like scanned copies of the books and it's got LOADS of manga. so awesome.

hey you should check out my post Happy Tuesday on CruzControl (I have 3 blogs), you don't have to follow or comment or anything, it's just a really funny post and I think you'd like it, and read the comments too, my friends are ALL nuts! lol when you get a chance...

see ya *^.^* Cruz

Sonic said...

actually I was thinking about following your blog and I think I'll do it. Deathnote takes me so much longer to read than other manga for some reason. Their style is different somehow. less fantasy, or seriousness. It's like Twilight in the anime world.

Cruz said...

aww thanks for following, and I've never heard an anology about twilight and anime lol... did you see my manga pic of myself? I think all of ya'll should do one, so I could see what you look like

*^.^* Cruz

Sonic said...

well since you keep asking ill try it.