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I need to update my blog but I don't know what to say. hmmm. My life is soo boring. :( I haven't seen one flyboy in the last 6 hours. A whole 6 hours! boring. :-( ncis is on today maybe that'll be interesting. so bored. Let's go back to the carribean they had some hot chicks there. please. *puppy dog face* :( *starting to tear up* sigh. bored. If I had some money, tell you what I'd do, go down town buy a card pack 'r two. wonder what happend to that ford song anyway it was cool. I'll say it once more I'm bored.


Raven,Stat,Talon,Shadow,Sonic, Twitch and Me (Ace) said...

Wow im surprised Chocolate Lover hasn't commented yet. Well there is always a way to tell her.

Sonic said...

alright im not posting something like that again. Im never gonna hear the end of this one. aren't ya glad i didn't post pics or somthin?

Anonymous said...

Wow, how little-kid-like you are Ace, tattle-telling on Sonic like that >:) I didn't care to look and see if I could comment until now (no offence). Sonic you should be glad you didn't put pictures, I probably would have exploded, you two are both sexists, ace is a perv.

Sonic said...

yeah little-kid-like! ace! |:P man It wont be easy getting not-sexist after this

Anonymous said...

Yes that is true, SEXISTS!!!! BOTH OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

Sonic said...

I've seen more sexist things than that

Anonymous said...


Sonic said...

What you think taht was sexist?

Anonymous said...

Uhh, I'm not sure, your not making sense...